Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
Whenever a war happens, we tend to think, 'Why this war?' 'What's going through the minds of the leaders?' 'Why aren't some cooperating while others aren't? ' and more... Samuel P. Huntington answers every such question based on how a country's ingrained culture drives its politics, economics, and more in his seminal work 'Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order.' The core of the book is Huntington's classification of the world into six civilizations encompassing nations based on their shared culture. The book justifies its stance on why it is naive to have assumed that the end of the Cold War is the end of the ideological conflict and, as the renowned historian and Huntington's contemporary Francis Fukuyama puts it, the End of History. Instead, the book, based on an article Huntington published in the Foreign Affairs journal, shows that there will be new types of conflicts based on religion, culture, and oth...